This morning was the annual time for See Ya At The Pole. A grassroots movement of America's youth coming together at their school's flag pole to pray.
Zach has been ready for this for weeks. I worked last night but I have some wonderful co-workers who allowed me to leave a little early so that I could get him to Shallowater for the 7am gathering. (Thanks ladies).
It was great to see so many teenagers taking control of their salvation for their generation. It was encouraging to see so many adults there to support them. Zach and I discussed the presence of God there but we also felt Satan was doing his best to throw some kinks in. There were giant mosquitoes that I am sure could eat a small child all over. However these young people stood firm in their convictions.
I have such hope for this generation rising to the occasion in bringing the following of Christ to the forefront of society. Stay strong in your convictions and faith and thank you for letting me be a part of it.